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County Safety Program

Teton County Safety Policy Statement

The Teton County safety program provides general direction for the administration of occupational safety and health management for Teton County. It is intended to meet the letter and spirit of the Montana Safety Culture Act and achieve full compliance with federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, as adopted by the State of Montana, governing workplace accident prevention programs.

Teton County is committed to providing dependable, economical services to the public. The County recognizes it employees as the most important resource in meeting that commitment and is dedicated to providing a safe and healthful work environment.

The County recognizes that some accidents are caused by unsafe conditions or unsafe behavior and strives to systematically eliminate unsafe acts and conditions. In meeting that goal it is the policy of Teton County to:

  • Provide a safe workplace including facilities, equipment, tools and vehicles that meet safety and health standards and practices.
  • Define and implement safe work practices to address hazards unique to specific job assignments.
  • Train employees in the safe performance of assigned jobs.
  • Monitor workplace conditions and employee behavior to ensure compliance with the Teton County Safety Program, as well as individual department and division safety and health requirements.
  • Involve all employees in a systematic effort to recognize, report, and correct hazardous conditions and practices.
  • Investigate and analyze accidents to identify and eliminate the unsafe conditions and behaviors that caused the accidents.

Safety Topics and Tips


Oklahoma State University Back Safety Training – online training for back safety, which includes topics like causes of back injuries, how to avoid injuries and exercised for the back.

Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace – information from OSHA regarding identification of problems, control hazards, training, and standards.

Falls Prevention

Fall Protection – OSHA has developed this webpage to provide workers and employers useful, up-to-date information on fall protection in a variety of settings.

Motor Vehicle Safety

Workplace Vehicle Safety – According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 1,766 deaths a year result from occupational transportation incidents.  Learn about Workplace Vehicle Safety hazards and solutions.

Preventing Backovers – The purpose of this webpage is to provide information about the hazards of backovers; solutions that can reduce the risk or frequency of these incidents; articles and resources; and references to existing regulations and letters of interpretation.

 More OSHA Safety and Health Topics

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